
Our values are fundamental to everything we do, and act as the guiding principles behind every decision, project, and interaction.
Our team are meticulous in their handiwork, ensuring that each project is finished to the highest standard.
We constantly aim higher, striving to exceed expectations in every aspect of our work from design to delivery.
Working with value-aligned partners to achieve collective success is embedded in our business.
The wellbeing of our team is of paramount importance, and we strive to foster a positive and inclusive culture.
We take pride in a high level of service for all our clients and a safe working environment for our team.
Our commitment to the wellbeing of the wider community begins with the welfare of our own team.
The safety of our team is our number one priority. Our approach to ensuring a safe workspace for everyone includes the implementation of comprehensive safety management plans across all sites, with dedicated site welfare officers undertaking regular site inspections to ensure our practices are at the highest standard. We work closely with WorkSafe to ensure policies and procedures are up-to-date and effective, in accordance with current regulations and legislation.
We promote flexible working arrangements to support a balanced work schedule and have a dedicated People and Culture Manager who focusses on implementing wellbeing programs and promoting a positive and inclusive culture. We conduct regular employee engagement surveys to ensure team members feel safe, heard and accepted as part of our commitment to fostering a positive workplace environment.

“ Prioritising the safety and wellbeing of our team has always been an important facet of our success.”


We are committed to contributing positively to the places in which we live and work, recognising the importance of shaping communities in ways that go beyond bricks and mortar.
We actively engage in charitable activities for causes which resonate with our values, including Movember, Dry July, R U OK Day and Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. To maximise team involvement in these initiatives, we undertake regular employee surveys to assess sentiment and to learn whether there are further initiatives which are important to the team.
Our genuine commitment to the wellbeing of the community is fundamental to our purpose. With members of our tight-knit team being personally impacted by some of the causes that we raise money to support, we aspire to have a positive impact on the lives of those in need, and make a meaningful impact.
We are committed to providing a safe and rewarding working environment for our talented team and the next generation in our industry.
Our people are our greatest asset. Our team of like-minded, experienced professionals all share a passion for quality and a drive for excellence. A position at Henny opens doors to many opportunities throughout our dynamic business, and we strongly believe in nurturing professional growth.
Providing opportunities for progression and investing in our team’s development allows us to support each individual’s career path, whilst building an invaluable skillset within our business.